About Us
My London is a Youth Social Action partnership, supporting young people aged 10-20 in South London to make a positive difference through social action!
Young people across South London are campaigning for change on issues that matter to them.
What’s Youth South Action?
The #iwill campaign defines Youth Social Action as “Activities that young people do to make
a positive difference to others or the environment.”
This can be in both formal and informal contexts, and might include co-produced activities, consultations, youth volunteering, youth boards or steering groups, campaigning, etc.
Initiative funded by the Mayor of London’s Team London programme.
How to get involved?
Are you a young person (aged 10 -20) living in South London?
Do you want to get involved in social action but you not sure where to start?
Are you an organisation who works with young people and want to get involved?
Contact us via email at [email protected].
Something else? Drop us a an email!
Our Mission
We believe that young people have the power to make changes in their communities and that their voices should be heard, listened to an acted on across London.
My London is created with young people, for young people and is led by their interests and ideas for
a better future. Social action looks different through the eyes of each of the My London partners, we accept it all and recognise that our different views is what makes our collective vibrant and fun!
Our Youth Steering Group, hosts 4 Youth Summits a year. The evening brings together their peers to
talk about issues that are important to them and share their learning and lived experience.
My London embeds youth social action across organisations and South London communities through
creative, youth-led practice that improves the wellbeing and life chances of the young people involved.
Super Summit!
In their biggest event yet, young people took over London’s City Hall, to shine a light on their social action campaigns.
Amplifying the voices of young people, in a building filled with decision makers!
You can see what we got up to in our photo gallery!