The Case for S.P.A.C.E (Switching Perceptions And Creating Environments) was launched in Spring 2023 by Lewisham Youth Theatre’s Members’ Committee.
The Case for S.P.A.C.E is campaigning for more high-quality youth-led spaces in the Lewisham. Young people having access to free, fun, productive spaces is important for everyone (not just young people!) and it must be considered a necessity.
Campaign goals:
To increase the amount of youth spaces in Lewisham.
Change the ways that young people are perceived in adult and public spaces.
To create true and honest representation of young people in the media.
What We Have Achieved

How To Get Involved
Join our Taskforce! If you are willing to pledge your time and join The Case for Space taskforce, email [email protected]. We are particularly interested in hearing from young people who live or learn in Lewisham and adults with relevant experience or a vested interest in making change to youth spaces.